Issue and approve certificates with Venafi Control Plane

Learn how to configure Venafi Control Plane, cert-manager, approver-policy-enterprise, and venafi-enhanced-issuer so that application teams can help themselves to SSL certificates which comply with enterprise PKI policy.

Create a Venafi Connection without Storing Secrets with TPP's JWT Mapping

This is a secretless method for authenticating with TLS Protect Datacenter (TPP). With this method, no access token nor password is needed. This method is limited to TLS Protect Datacenter (TPP) 22.4 and above. TLS Protect Cloud (VaaS) is not yet supported.

Now that you've installed all the prerequisite software in your cluster it's time to configure a Venafi Connection.

This job would typically be performed by the platform team.

The following example shows a Venafi Connection resource which uses a Kubernetes ServiceAccount Token to authenticate to Venafi TPP.

šŸ”— venafi-connection-1-jwt.yaml

# venafi-connection-1-jwt.yaml
kind: VenafiConnection
name: application-team-1-connection
namespace: jetstack-secure
- serviceAccountToken:
name: application-team-1
audiences: ["tpp"]
- tppOAuth:
authInputType: JWT
clientId: tls-protect-kubernetes # āš  This 'clientId' value has to match the value configured in TPP
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kubectl apply -f venafi-connection-1-jwt.yaml
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āš ļø The VenafiConnection resource will not report any issues in its status as long as it is not used. Create an Issuer or CertificateRequestPolicy that references the VenafiConnection to start using the VenafiConnection, after which the VenafiConnection resource's status will be updated.

Create an example Issuer to debug our VenafiConnection with

Because the VenafiConnection is not used anywhere yet, its status will remain empty. To figure out if something is wrong with your connection and obtain the error details, we have to start using it. Therefore, we create an example issuer.

šŸ”— venafi-example-issuer.yaml

# venafi-example-issuer.yaml
kind: VenafiIssuer
name: example-issuer
namespace: jetstack-secure
venafiConnectionName: application-team-1-connection
zone: \VED\Policy\Teams\application-team-1
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kubectl apply -f venafi-example-issuer.yaml
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Don't forget to remove this example issuer when you are done with all the steps below:

kubectl delete -f venafi-example-issuer.yaml
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Create a Role and RoleBinding

If you use kubectl describe to view the status of the VenafiClusterIssuer resource you'll see an error:

$ kubectl -n jetstack-secure describe venaficonnection application-team-1-connection
Ready Conditions:
Last Transition Time: 2023-01-10T13:43:38Z
Message: connection is not ready yet (building connection failed): chain element 0 (ServiceAccountToken) error: serviceaccounts "application-team-1" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:jetstack-secure:venafi-connection" cannot create resource "serviceaccounts/token" in API group "" in the namespace "jetstack-secure"
Observed Generation: 1
Operator Id:
Reason: Pending
Status: False
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This tells you that there's a problem with the first item in the accessToken field. The problem is that venafi-enhanced-issuer is trying to request a ServiceAccount token but it doesn't have permission. So first let's add a Role and RoleBinding to venafi-connection.yaml and reapply it:

šŸ”— venafi-connection-2.yaml

# venafi-connection-2.yaml
# create role that allows creating sa tokens for 'application-team-1'
kind: Role
name: create-tokens-for-application-team-1
namespace: jetstack-secure
- apiGroups: [ "" ]
resources: [ "serviceaccounts/token" ]
verbs: [ "create" ]
resourceNames: [ "application-team-1" ]
# link the controller's service account to the 'create-tokens-for-vault-sa' role
kind: RoleBinding
name: application-team-1-sa-rolebinding
namespace: jetstack-secure
kind: Role
name: create-tokens-for-application-team-1
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: venafi-connection
namespace: jetstack-secure
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kubectl apply -f venafi-connection-2.yaml
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šŸ’” Our controllers use exponential back-off between reconciliations in case a reconciliation error occurs. You can reset the exponential back-off timer by adding an annotation to the VenafiConnection resource, resulting in an immediate reconciliation.

kubectl -n jetstack-secure annotate venaficonnection application-team-1-connection last-trigger=$(date -u +"%FT%T.000Z") --overwrite
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Create a ServiceAccount

If you use kubectl describe to view the status of the VenafiClusterIssuer resource again you'll see a different error:

$ kubectl -n jetstack-secure describe venaficonnection application-team-1-connection
Ready Conditions:
Last Transition Time: 2023-01-10T13:45:41Z
Message: connection is not ready yet (building connection failed): chain element 0 (ServiceAccountToken) error: serviceaccounts "application-team-1" not found
Observed Generation: 1
Operator Id:
Reason: Pending
Status: False
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Add a ServiceAccount to venafi-connection.yaml and reapply:

šŸ”— venafi-connection-3.yaml

# venafi-connection-3.yaml
# create a ServiceAccount which will be used to authenticate to Venafi TPP
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: application-team-1
namespace: jetstack-secure
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kubectl apply -f venafi-connection-3.yaml
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šŸ’” Our controllers use exponential back-off between reconciliations in case a reconciliation error occurs. You can reset the exponential back-off timer by adding an annotation to the VenafiConnection resource, resulting in an immediate reconciliation.

kubectl -n jetstack-secure annotate venaficonnection application-team-1-connection last-trigger=$(date -u +"%FT%T.000Z") --overwrite
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Configure Venafi TPP

Assuming that you've configured the TPP Mapping, the issuer should be able to connect to authenticate to Venafi TPP.

And assuming that the PolicyDN is correct and the user account has permission to read and write to that policy folder, the example VenafiIssuer resource should be Ready.

$ kubectl -n jetstack-secure get venafiissuer example-issuer
application-team-1 True Checked checked 64s 1 1 67s
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Known errors

HTTP 400: unauthorized_client: Key ID XXXX not configured

The Key ID corresponds to the kid field in the JWT, and corresponds to the public key identifier.

When this message shows, it means that the JWT's kid did not match any of the public key IDs that TPP knows about. To check that the JWT Mapping in TPP knows about this kid, you can open the Venafi Configuration Console and click "Verify...". For example, in the following two screenshots, you can see that the Key ID found by TPP (top screenshot) matches the kid in the JWT (bottom screenshot).

Screenshot of the Venafi Configuration Console with a JWT Mapping opened and after clicking "Verify...". Screenshot of the output of 'step', showing the decoded JWT token.

To see the kid in the JWT, you can use the step CLI:

kubectl create token --audience=tpp -n jetstack-secure application-team-1 \
| step crypto jwt inspect --insecure
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If the key IDs don't match, it might mean that TPP hasn't fetched the public key from the issuer URL yet. You can wait for 5 minutes, or recycle the VEDAuth application pool in IIS:

First step: open IIS, click the Venafi site, and click "Application Pools...". Second step: select VEDAuth, and click "Recycle...".

HTTP 400: unauthorized_client: No matching mappings for provided JWT

This means that there is an audience or subject mismatch between the JWT token and the JWT Mapping.

HTTP 400: invalid_scope:

This means that there is something off with the API Integration in TPP. Check that the API Integration tls-protect-kubernetes has the certificate:manage,revoke scope.

Next Steps

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