Integrations introduction
Cert-manager integrations
There are many integrations for cert-manager that extend the capabilities, or make use of cert-manager to secure communications.
Cert-manager supports both built-in and external issuers.
![ACME Issuer](/documentation/integrations/issuers/acme.jpg)
ACME Issuer
Issue certificates from ACME providers, such as Let's Encrypt.
![AWS Private CA Issuer](/documentation/integrations/issuers/aws-privateca-issuer.jpg)
AWS Private CA Issuer
Issues certificates using AWS ACM Private CA.
![CA Issuer](/documentation/integrations/issuers/ca.jpg)
CA Issuer
Sign certificates using a certificate you provide.
![Google Certificate Authority Service Issuer](/documentation/integrations/issuers/google-cas-issuer.jpg)
Google Certificate Authority Service Issuer
Issue certificates using Google CA Service.
![Origin CA Issuer](/documentation/integrations/issuers/origin-ca-issuer.jpg)
Origin CA Issuer
Issue certificates using Cloudflare’s Origin CA feature.
![Self Signed Issuer](/documentation/integrations/issuers/self-signed.jpg)
Self Signed Issuer
Issue self-signed certificates.
![Step Issuer](/documentation/integrations/issuers/step-issuer.jpg)
Step Issuer
Issue certificates using the Step certificates CA.
![Hashicorp Vault Issuer](/documentation/integrations/issuers/vault.jpg)
Hashicorp Vault Issuer
Issues certificates using Hashicorp Vault.
![Venafi Issuer](/documentation/integrations/issuers/venafi.jpg)
Venafi Issuer
Issue certificates with Venafi Cloud or Venafi TPP.
Ingress Controllers
Ingress Controllers that work with cert-manager. Click on one of the cards below for more details, release information and links to relevant documentation.
![Contour Ingress Controller](/documentation/integrations/ingresses/contour.jpg)
Contour Ingress Controller
High performance ingress controller for Kubernetes
![Kong Ingress Controller](/documentation/integrations/ingresses/kong.jpg)
Kong Ingress Controller
An ingress controller for the Kong Gateway
![NGINX Ingress Controller](/documentation/integrations/ingresses/nginx.jpg)
NGINX Ingress Controller
NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
![Traefik Ingress Controller](/documentation/integrations/ingresses/traefik.jpg)
Traefik Ingress Controller
The Cloud Native Application Proxy
Service Meshes
Service Meshes that work with cert-manager. Click on one of the cards below for more details, release information and links to relevant documentation.