Installing venafi-enhanced-issuer

Learn about the different ways to install venafi-enhanced-issuer in your cluster using Helm.


venafi-enhanced-issuer is a software component of TLS Protect for Kubernetes. It has a Docker image and a Helm chart which are hosted at the TLS Protect for Kubernetes enterprise OCI registry. In this section you will learn about the different ways to install venafi-enhanced-issuer in your cluster using Helm.

Docker Images

  • Private Docker image:
  • Private Helm registry: oci://


  • You will need access to a Venafi Control Plane (VaaS or TPP) instance.
  • And you will need permission to install Helm charts and CRDs on your Kubernetes cluster.
  • You should install cert-manager in your cluster.
  • You should install kubectl and helm >= 3.8.0 on your local computer.

Configure access to the enterprise registry

🔑 Follow the instructions in Access to enterprise components to enable access to the artifacts required for this component. Use jetstack-secure as the namespace.

For the example below, we assume you created the following Kubernetes Secret: namespace: jetstack-secure name: jse-gcr-creds

Create trusted CA bundles

If you aim to use venafi-enhanced-issuer with a Venafi Control Plane instance or HashiCorp Vault instance that is served by a certificate that was signed by your company's private CA, you will want to tell venafi-enhanced-issuer which CA certificates to trust.

📝 Unlike cert-manager, which has the caBundle field, venafi-enhanced-issuer requires you to mount the CA certificates to be trusted in venafi-enhanced-issuer's file system (at /etc/ssl/certs) using ConfigMap resources.

In order to configure the CA certificates to trust, you will first want to create a ConfigMap in the jetstack-secure namespace. Then, you will want to reference them in the trustedCaBundles field in the Helm chart. That field tells which ConfigMap resources should be mounted at /etc/ssl/certs in the pod.

For the example below, we assume you created the following Kubernetes ConfigMap resources: namespace: jetstack-secure name: ca-cert-tpp namespace: jetstack-secure name: ca-cert-vault


To upgrade from a pre-v0.3.0 installation to a version >= v0.3.0, some migration steps are required. An ad-hoc migration plan can be obtained by contacting the development team.

Deploying venafi-enhanced-issuer using Helm

Here we install venafi-enhanced-issuer in the jetstack-secure namespace and configure it to use the pull-secret that we created earlier. Additionally, we specify the CA bundles venafi-enhanced-issuer should trust.

Create a file called: venafi-enhanced-issuer.values.yaml containing the following content:

# venafi-enhanced-issuer.values.yaml
- name: jse-gcr-creds
include: true # set to `false` if VenafiConnection CRDs & RBAC are already installed
# The trustedCaBundles allows you to specify additional CA certificate
# bundles that will be mounted to /etc/ssl/certs/. Note that Mozilla's CA
# certificates are present in the image by default at
# /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt, and cannot be disabled.
- configMapName: ca-cert-tpp
configMapKey: ca.crt
- configMapName: ca-cert-vault
configMapKey: ca.crt
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Use Helm to install the software and wait for it to be ready:

helm upgrade venafi-enhanced-issuer oci:// \
--registry-config <(jsctl registry auth output --format=dockerconfig) \
--install \
--wait \
--namespace jetstack-secure \
--values venafi-enhanced-issuer.values.yaml \
--version v0.8.0
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If you will be using approver-policy or approver-policy-enterprise, no further action is required. Otherwise, you will need to let cert-manager auto-approve the CertificateRequests that reference the VenafiClusterIssuer and VenafiIssuer types with the following RBAC:

kind: ClusterRole
name: cert-manager-controller-approve:venafi-enhanced-issuer
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["signers"]
verbs: ["approve"]
resourceNames: ["*", "*"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: cert-manager-controller-approve:venafi-enhanced-issuer
kind: ClusterRole
name: cert-manager-controller-approve:venafi-enhanced-issuer
- name: cert-manager
namespace: jetstack-secure
kind: ServiceAccount
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