venafi-enhanced-issuer image flagsPreview

Usage of venafi-enhanced-issuer:
-cluster-resource-namespace string
The namespace for secrets in which cluster-scoped resources are found.
-health-probe-bind-address string
The address the probe endpoint binds to. (default ":8081")
-kubeconfig string
Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
Enable leader election for controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager. (default true)
-log-flush-frequency duration
Maximum number of seconds between log flushes (default 5s)
-max-retry-duration duration
The max amount of time after certificate request creation that we will retry when an error occurs. (default 2m0s)
-metrics-bind-address string
The address the metric endpoint binds to. (default ":8080")
Development Mode defaults(encoder=consoleEncoder,logLevel=Debug,stackTraceLevel=Warn). Production Mode defaults(encoder=jsonEncoder,logLevel=Info,stackTraceLevel=Error)
-zap-encoder value
Zap log encoding (one of 'json' or 'console')
-zap-log-level value
Zap Level to configure the verbosity of logging. Can be one of 'debug', 'info', 'error', or any integer value > 0 which corresponds to custom debug levels of increasing verbosity
-zap-stacktrace-level value
Zap Level at and above which stacktraces are captured (one of 'info', 'error', 'panic').
-zap-time-encoding value
Zap time encoding (one of 'epoch', 'millis', 'nano', 'iso8601', 'rfc3339' or 'rfc3339nano'). Defaults to 'epoch'.
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